1. Nova Wiki
  2. Trafficking Guidelines

How to traffic Nova ads?

Nova produces several creative formats such as Social display, Stories, Video, CTV and Native ads for Publishers. Each format has it's own trafficking methodology.

Nova supports a range of products and creative formats. These are

  • Social Display
  • Video
  • CTV
  • Stories
  • Native Ads for Publishers

Each of the above formats follow a different set of steps to traffic via DSPs and Ad Servers. Therefore, please refer to the following for specific Nova ad trafficking guidelines and instructions.

Trafficking Nova Social Display 

Nova Social display ads are essentially standard display ads trafficked using Nova's Third party HTML ad tags in any DSP. Trafficking of Nova Social display ads uses the standard steps as any other Third Party HTML tag. 

  1. Add New creative: Select Third Party HTML tag upload option in your DSP
  2. Select the Ad size: Nova supports 300x250, 300x600, 320x480 and 336x280
  3. Copy and paste the Nova Social display ad tag
  4. Save the creative 

For specific instructions and step by step guides for specific DSPs, please refer to the wiki articles for trafficking guidelines on the most popular DSPs. 

Trafficking CTV and Video creatives

Nova's Video and CTV creatives are trafficked using standard VAST tags that Nova's platform generates for the video creatives. Here again the standard steps used to traffic VAST tags via any DSPs applies. There are no special configurations required. 

Please refer to the following article that lists out common trafficking guidelines for the most popular DSPs

Trafficking Story Creatives

Story creatives are also trafficked as Social display creatives to standard display inventory on all the Nova supported sizes. The steps are the same as for any Third party HTML display creative. 

Trafficking Native Ads for Publishers

There are several Native Ad formats that Nova supports. These include:

  • Premium Content (editorial placements)
  • Native Display
  • Native Content Cards
  • Apple News
  • Newsletters

All the above are publisher driven formats that are trafficked using Ad servers like GAM (Google Ad Manager - previously knows as DFP).  Here again the ads should be trafficked as Third party HTML tags.

The only thing to note for publishers trafficking Premium Content and Native Display is to ensure "Safe-frame" setting is turned off during trafficking creatives.