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  2. Social Display

Why Is My Ad Not Auto-Playing?

For creatives like a Video or a Carousel having a video slide is not Auto-playing and is user-initiated could be due to various reasons:

  • The default video option is set to "Autoplay" and can be changed to "Click-to-play" before pressing the "Save" button to save the creative
  • Once the creative is saved, the video option (autoplay/click-to-play) cannot be altered
  • However, as a workaround, you can duplicate the creative, update the video option to "Autoplay" and save it

Note: Nova cannot change the state of the video playback once a creative is saved. This is an intentional feature since click-to-play and Auto-play video creatives have different video metric measurement methodologies. Auto-play counts player loads and respective play rates and player starts which is not applicable to click-to-play since that is dependent on user interaction.


  • Your Team/Org may have a default setting for Video posts set to Click-to-Play and not Autoplay i.e. for any new post created the default setting is set to Click-to-Play and it needs to be manually updated to Auto-play. For such a case, send us your request to support@createwithnova.com and we can help you in updating the setting in the backend.
  • Carousel posts with video slides default to Click-to-Play and not Autoplay. This is a product design since carousel posts are manually flipped in order to view all the slides. They are user-initiated so keeping autoplay would result in incorrect metrics/data, as by the time the user views the video slide, it may be half or fully played


Please check out our articles on building creatives via manual asset upload and social import (auto-fill)



  • Fill in the creative fields using manual asset upload or social import
  • Navigate to Media and upload the video asset

  • Select Auto-play or Click to Play and hit Save to save the creative

Having any questions or facing issues with video playback? Send us your request to support@createwithnova.com