1. Nova Wiki
  2. Social Display

Allowing Hyperlinks in the Caption


  • By enabling the Allow Hyperlinks in the caption option, you can activate the hyperlinks in the caption. Otherwise, if you add them through Social Import or manually create a creative, they will appear as normal text.

  • This feature is only available on request (by sending an email to support@createwithnova.com) and we can enable it as necessary. We do not encourage using multiple destination URLs in one static ad.

Note: Click(s) on the hyperlink(s) in the caption counts as outbound click(s) - shown in our reporting regardless of the destination. Therefore, when you have multiple click out destinations on the ad, the click metrics are convoluted - we cannot differentiate which destination it went to. We only count it as an “Outbound Click”. That is why we do not recommend using this feature and so it is only activated on request. One ad should ideally have 1 destination URL to ensure users land on the desired Landing Page most often. 


Best Practices

If a click tracker is directly used in the Landing Page URL field then note the following:

  • It is best to turn off the hyperlink feature (uncheck Allow Hyperlinks in the caption), if the destination URL used in caption already directs to the same destination via the CTA (Landing Page URL).

  • Nova and the DSP will register the click, but the client facing click tracker will not track it. This is because the hyperlink is not the client facing click tracker.

  • Anyone clicking on the caption area will be taken to the same page any way and it will be tracked by the click tracker used in the destination URL field. If a separate URL in the caption is used, the click tracker will not be fired.

If the hyperlink feature is turned off, then Nova, the DSP, and the client facing click tracker will track clicks, since it is an outbound click.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at support@createwithnova.com. We are here to help!